Wednesday, December 21, 2016

What are the treatments for vaginal dryness (atrophic vaginitis)?

Not all women have all of the above symptoms. Treatment usually depends on which symptoms are the most troublesome. Because the problem is mainly due to a lack of oestrogen, it can often be helped by replacing the oestrogen in your tissues.

Oestrogen creams and other topical preparations

A cream, vaginal tablet or ring containing oestrogen is often prescribed. A vaginal tablet is a very small tablet that you insert into your vagina with a small applicator. The ring is a soft, flexible ring with a centre that contains the oestrogen hormone. This ring releases a steady, low dose of oestrogen each day and it lasts for three months.

These preparations work to restore oestrogen to your vagina and surrounding tissues without giving oestrogen to the whole body. Usually the treatment is used every day for about two weeks, and then twice a week for a further three months. After this the effect of the treatment is usually assessed by your doctor. This treatment usually works well but the symptoms may recur some time after stopping the treatment. Repeated courses of treatment are often necessary or many women simply use this treatment for a much longer period of time. These preparations should not be used as additional lubrication during sex; lubricating gels should be used instead.

Note: the oestrogen creams may damage latex condoms and diaphragms; if you are using these types of contraception then it would be preferable either to use vaginal tablets or the vaginal ring.

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT)

This means taking oestrogen in the form of a tablet, gel or patches. This is often the best treatment for relieving your symptoms, especially if you are experiencing other symptoms of the menopause. There are advantages and disadvantages of using HRT. See separate leaflet called Menopause and Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) for more details.

Lubricating gels

If vaginal dryness is the only problem, or hormone creams are not recommended because of other medical problems, lubricating gels or moisturisers may help. There are different lubricants which can work really well to improve the dryness during sexual intercourse. These include Sylk® and Yes®. You can buy these from the pharmacy and your pharmacist should be able to advise you.

Vaginal moisturises such as Replens MD® and Hyalofemme® can work really well to improve the moisture in your vagina. These need to be used regularly.

Note: Vaseline® can break down the latex in condoms, so is not recommended for women whose partners are using condoms.

Your symptoms should improve after about three weeks of treatment. You should see your doctor if your symptoms do not improve, as sometimes these symptoms can be due to other conditions. It is also very important to see your doctor if you have any bleeding from your vagina if you are receiving hormone treatment.
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